RVP for students and graduates

Many Russian universities are not averse to teaching foreign students. In turn, many foreign students from various countries come to enroll in Russia. Some do this because they believe in the quality of Russian higher education, and some with the intention of staying to work in Russia. In this post, we will talk just about their aspirations and whether there are any benefits in obtaining a RVP for students and graduates of Russian universities.

RVP for students in 2021

The end of 2019 brought impressive changes to the migration legislation of the Russian Federation. The list of grounds for obtaining a residence permit without a PRTR has increased, and the grounds for a temporary residence permit have been revised. But, unfortunately, the hopes of foreign students have not been fulfilled: studying at local universities so far does not give the right to apply for a PRTR outside the quota. Moreover, studying does not even exempt from the need to obtain a certificate of proficiency in the Russian language.

On the other hand, full-time study at a university already allows you to legally stay in the Russian Federation throughout the entire educational period, and the care of documents is shared with the student by the educational institution.

Official website of St. Petersburg State University

RVP for students involves the passage of an absolutely standard procedure. Its first stage is the submission of an application for the allocation of a quota (if there are no grounds to apply for a PRTR without it). Then — collection and submission of all necessary papers.

The only benefit of foreign students with a RVP is the absence of the need to confirm income with an annual confirmation of residence. However, the rule applies only to full-time students. For the notification procedure, they will only need a passport with a RVP stamp and a completed application.

Features of issuing RVP for graduates

As for graduates, the situation is much more interesting here. Firstly, citizens of the former USSR countries who have graduated from one of the accredited educational programs in Russia can receive a PRTR outside the quota.

Law No. 115-FZ “On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation”

Please note: We are talking not only about higher, but also secondary vocational education (colleges, vocational schools, etc.), as well as studying in scientific organizations (master’s degree, residency, postgraduate studies, additional professional programs, etc.).

Secondly, the owners of the Russian school certificate or diploma have the right to confirm these documents his knowledge of the Russian language, history and the basics of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Thirsdly, those those foreign students who studied full-time and graduated from a Russian university with honors can immediately get a residence permit, skipping the stage of the RVP.

Since we are talking about the RVP in this article, we will not stop at the last point. Let’s figure out what documents are needed to submit on the basis of the education received:

two copies of the application with a couple of photos 35×45;

original passport with a certified and translated copy;

migration card and notification of temporary registration;

medical certificates (you can read more about them here);

receipt of payment of state duty (1600 rubles);

the original and a copy of the diploma with all applications;

a certified copy of the license of the educational institution;

a certified copy of the accreditation of the completed curriculum.

Please note: depending on the region of submission, the above list may vary.

The last two documents — license and accreditation — can usually be found on the website of the educational institution. Print them out and certify them at your university or university. Unverified documents without seals and signatures of responsible individuals will not be accepted by the UVM.

Official website of St. Petersburg State University

Pay attention to the dates and time of validity of documents from the educational institution. The license and accreditation must be submitted for the entire period of study. If, while you were studying, your university or university was reaccredited, you will need to submit not only the latest version of the license, but also the previous ones. If you have doubts, it is easier to personally contact the place where you received your diploma and ask to provide you with all the necessary certificates.

Accreditation of an educational program is also important if you are going to receive a PRT for some other reason, and you just want to confirm your knowledge of the language with a diploma.