Hello dear brothers and sisters!


According to the alarming situation in the city of Belgorod, despite the holidays, DiaspoCam held a meeting yesterday and today the officials of the Cameroonian Embassy agreed to be present at our meeting scheduled for 22:00 Moscow time. We urge the members of the Belgorod community to attend this meeting and help the president and vice-president to update the list of Cameroonians living in Belgorod.

In addition to personal data, copies of passports must be sent to the delegates of the Belgorod community as well as other information such as: names, status (students, workers, others…) university, what course and year of study, and also evacuation wishes (to another city? which one? or return to Cameroon)?

All the information gathered will be transmitted to Yaoundé through the Embassy of Cameroon!

– Head of communication in Diaspocam .