Charity Department

General principle:
The Charity Department within the Cameroonian Association in Russia is a division of the association whose purpose and vocation is to provide real assistance and charitable humanitarian assistance, as well as to carry out solidarity and charity actions to Cameroonian citizens who are in a vulnerable situation, as well as as a result of economic or social oppression, natural disaster, environmental or any other emergency situation with to meet their vital needs.

Department resource:
The permanent resources of the charity department are:

  • Voluntary contributions, the amount and conditions of payment of which are established and reviewed by the next general meeting of the association.
  • Any private or public financing.
  • Voluntary contributions on a gratuitous basis and contributions of associations that the association can receive from its members or third parties.
  • Donations and any other permitted resources: donations for food, donations for clothing, donations for health care for members.

The Charity Department is constantly in need of willing people who can be active members with a merciful and sacrificial heart to fulfill this noble task full of love and life.

Vision of one of the charity programs:

  • it consists in combining the necessary needs of our community members to help those in need.
  • people who want to make a donation should visit the Diasporas website

take photos of items that they want to donate to charity.
b) the person interested in the subject informs about it, and also makes a symbolic donation to a charitable account.
c) the delivery will be carried out at the expense of the interested person, and the money received will go to the needs of the charity program to help those who need it.

Support us:

Our association exists thanks to volunteers and depends on the generosity of people like you who support his initiatives.

You can make a donation directly to our bank account. All income goes mainly to operating expenses, to organize charity events, promotions, concerts, etc. … and to support Cameroonians who have fallen into a difficult life situation.

Bank details:
Name: ANO “Diaspocam”.
OGRN: 1227700208449
r/sch: 40703810424690000004
TIN: 7734453399
CHECKPOINT: 773401001
BIC of VTB Bank PJSC: 044525411
Cop. Bank account: 30101810145250000411

Planned Task O.B. (Charity Department)

The Charity Department will hold 4 charity events a year for those in need in exchange for symbolic donations🎁

  • online store (DiaspoCam website) / Telegram store
  • Second-hand sale Seasonal donations to the needy
  • Winter Fair online, via the Telegram store or on the website of the Diaspora Association
  • Summer Fair online in Telegram or on the website of the Association for Diasporas

Period: all year round in winter from August 01 to March 30 and in summer from May 1 to July 30
Expected Goods: In winter we will collect clothes such as coats, sweaters, gloves, shoes, socks and any other items for winter use.

It’s the same in summer.
How do I get donations?

By individuals (compatriots and other persons who are not citizens of Cameroon) through advertising on our various Diaspocam platforms (Whatsapp, Telegram, Embassy of Cameroon, association website and others) Due to the lack of a store where we could store goods coming from individuals, we will act in this way:

  • By direct Donations (from the donor ➡️ to the needy) both meet together for the transfer.
  • By indirect donation, if the donor and the needy are located in different cities, the charity donations department must arrange for the parcel to be sent to the needy, if necessary, at its own expense.
  • The donation is symbolic in nature for the financing of Diaspocam charitable activities, the cost of the item should not exceed 500 rubles (from 10 rubles ~ 500 rubles), which implies the financial participation of the donor and those in need of Diaspocam charitable projects; the symbolic price will be determined by the department responsible for concluding the transaction.
  • Thus, the money will be credited to the charity account in the main treasury of Diaspocam before receiving the goods.

Donations from organizations and donations for food:
Here we would like to receive donations for clothing and food from the relevant stores by sending them letters asking for help to those in need.

Support us

Bank details:
Name: ANO “Diaspocam”.
OGRN: 1227700208449
r/sch: 40703810424690000004
TIN: 7734453399
CHECKPOINT: 773401001
BIC of VTB Bank PJSC: 044525411
Cop. Bank account: 30101810145250000411