The Meeting of representatives of cities

The meeting of representatives of the Cameroonian Association of Russian Cities takes place twice a year in Moscow. The meeting of representatives of the Cameroonian Association of Russian Cities takes place twice a year in Moscow.

One of the missions of Diasporas is to help while not interfering with local self—government associations in solving many issues, which ultimately contributes to the socio-economic development of the community and strengthening ties between compatriots. Such a meeting allows its participants to share not only problems, but also the best practices for solving them, and also establishes a platform for personal acquaintances between representatives of different cities, which in turn strengthens ties and unites members of different cities.

The First President of Diaspocam notes that Diaspocam pays priority attention to strengthening the institution of local self-government. Given the key role of this level, the association in the formation of a modern, high-quality environment for life of Cameroonians in Russia, cultural and civic initiatives, support, strengthening ties between Cameroon and Russia. In today’s conditions, the creation of favorable conditions for the effective work of local associations is especially important,” he emphasizes.

The first meeting takes place on the last weekend of January, and its main purpose is to summarize the results of the previous year and plan for the coming year. Within the framework of this meeting, the Association also recognizes and appreciates the contribution of its members to the achievement of its goals and objectives. This recognition and appreciation takes the form of awarding prizes, certificates and grants.

The second meeting takes place on the first weekend of October, and its main purpose is to make interim planning results, welcome new visiting students, stimulate existing students and discuss new ideas aimed at realizing the goals of the association.

The first meeting of representatives of the Cameroonian Association of Russian Cities was held on October 1st, 2022 on the territory of the Embassy of the Republic of Cameroon in Moscow.

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