Advisory Board

The Advisory Board is formed on the basis of the following criteria:

1. The Advisory Board may not have less than 3 (three) or more than 12 (twelve) members;
2. The Advisory Board may include former officials of the Association who distinguished themselves during their service (and whose term of office has not ended due to dismissal, illegal action or “scandal”), prominent public figures or prominent patriotic persons residing in Cameroon, Russia or abroad who are suitable and competent persons with significant experience in the relevant fields of activity and in life in general; this experience is an invaluable source of advice for the management of the Association;
3. The composition of the advisory board should reflect the diversity of experience, skills and points of view, avoiding the predominance of one particular profession or ethnic group, and the composition should take into account gender issues;
4. The Executive Council may recommend the appointment of a maximum of two or three persons who are not citizens of Cameroon. These persons should devote a significant part of their efforts to the cause and development of Cameroon and/or Africa as a whole;
5. The Advisory Council of the Association meets under the leadership of the President at least twice a year together with the Executive Council to review policies, directions, programs, goals and results of activities, as well as to provide recommendations and guidance.

Functions of the Advisory Board

The functions of the Advisory Board are as follows:

1. Advisory opinion in all cases;
2. Promotion and lobbying of the interests of the Association in all its forms;
3. The Advisory Council may address the Executive Council at any time on issues related to the effective functioning of the Association; however, it must not arbitrarily interfere or usurp the constitutional powers of other bodies of the Association.;
4. If there is a serious crisis in the Executive Council that hinders its functioning, the Advisory Council has the right to intervene and propose a resolution.
5. Resolve issues related to elections and post-election complaints;
6. Act as an appellate body in matters related to appeals against decisions of any disciplinary committee established by the Association.

The Diaspocam Advisory Council consists of the following members:

Defoe Desiree

Entrepreneur and Dayen from St. Petersburg

Sam Florent

the President of the Association of Moscow Doyens from Cameroon

Furniture Celestin

The first president of the Association of Moscow Doyens from Cameroon

Ngan Tonier Francois

Professor, Representative of the RUDN in Cameroon and Central Africa

Nounga Georges

Head of the self-defense League “Sunao”

Leke Tessa Pascal B

Entrepreneur and Dayen from St. Petersburg

Kinfu Zenebe Tafesse

President of the Union of African Diasporas

Parale Samuel

Entrepreneur and doyen from Moscow