Honorary Members

The status of an honorable member is an honorable distinction. This title is awarded to legal entities and individuals who have made a special contribution to the promotion and improvement of the association’s activities. They are recognized for their qualities, represent a serious support and support for the purpose of the association.
This may be a natural or legal person who has earned respect and authority in the team by his work and/or contribution to the development of the association. In recognition of their special merits, people who have not previously participated in our association can also be accepted as honorary members of Diaspocam.

The Executive Board appoints candidates deserving of this distinction and contacts them for prior consent.

The honorary member respects and helps the association according to his abilities, this quality does not give any active role. As a result, the honorary member is exempt from the actual presence and daily participation in the life of the association.

He is invited to the general meeting of the association. In certain circumstances, an honorary member may play the role of an expert or consultant.

Rights of honorary members:

  • Access to the Association’s website, information, publications and network,
  • The possibility of dissemination of information in connection with the activities of the association.
  • Participation in association events

Duties of honorary members:

  • Support and promote the Association and its directions,
  • Offer of internships, jobs or research topics, conference topics, etc.,